ON GOING .....

The Lord has been gracious over the years to allow us to help start many stations as well as other technological projects. We get calls to consult and advise churches and stations on further maintenance and projects. During the last year we have been helping with streaming and tech based presence on line for churches. As churches have been limited during the last year there has been opportunities to help expand their digital presence and ways to reach people where they are. We continue to hear from radio as well as overseas television that we helped to start or produce of how people are being saved and trained in the Word of God.


Thank you so much to each of you for being our friends and praying for us! Your prayers and love have lifted us and helped us to carry on. We are currently working on several projects and continuing to share our knowledge with those who are using technology to reach the world with the Gospel. More opportunities have become available to us due to the pandemic. This has also opened more doors to share the love of Jesus. There are many people who do not understand why God would allow this to happen. Read More....

Mission Success

In the Mission Statement of Karatek International it says that one of our goals is to make a project self sustaining. That is often a longer drawn out process than the beginning and execution of the project itself. This means that not only does the project need to sustain itself financially but also physically through workers and technology. Amazing things can be accomplished with technology. But if the people that operate it day to day are untrained and don't continue to learn new aspects of the equipment, then likely the project will suffer and possibly stop altogether. Read More....

Lightouse FM 104.5 Catarman, Samar, Philippines

Nearly 4 years ago Paul and Thom Williams traveled with Gene Sharp of Independent Baptist Media to the island of Samar in the Philippines to install a radio station for Missionary Layne Jones. Since that time we have shared a number of stories with you of how God has used the radio station in a great way to bring many to Himself.

When the station was first installed the tower that was rected was built by a local business and was a hollow leg tower. Many stations use these towers, because of the ease of construction and light weight, but in a setting that is near saltwater it is not a good idea. The towers tend to rust from the inside out;therefore, a tower built with solid metal legs that has been treated to withstand the salt air, a process called 'galvanizing', is the preferred type of tower.

The current hollow leg tower began to rust quickly and is now in danger of falling down. The tower has been cleaned up and recoated but is still very unstable. Bro. Jones has some property on which we can build the new tower. Once the tower is erected and in operation, the signal will reach further and encompass possibly another 2 million people.

To purchase the tower, ship it to the Philippines, build a transmitter building, setup a generator for backup power, purchase additional equipment, buy airline tickets, and pay expenses for one month will cost $30,000. Already, the Lord has given us $25,000 but we still need another $5,000 to pay for the entire project.

The tower will be erected using a gin pole as there are no cranes available. This is a specialized way of constructing a tower and there is training that Paul and Jeremiah need to have at the tower fabricator's location in California. This training trip will cost $1,500 and your help is greatly needed.

Would you prayerfully consider helping with this project first in prayer and then with the finances. Hundreds of people have come to the Lord since this station started broadcasting and your help in this project is truly an investment in the eternal souls of men.

Thank you in advance for your help and for caring for souls!


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